Thursday, April 22, 2010

...Just like riding a bike

I've had this growing urge to write on this blog again for the last few weeks. I lost the urge, about two years ago. I just didn't need to share anymore.

But my dear friend Mr. Lady, who writes Whiskey in my Sippy Cup, sends readers over here from time to time, and they send me the sweetest emails, and it gives me the occassional feeling that I'm doing something good just by having this blog out here.

And then there's this: my own post traumatic stress from school drama raising up inside after an email from the school district... It made me feel all the things I felt back in 2006, and as a response, I wanted to write like I did in 2006.

Long story short, the crisis is averted and now that I have no drama with the school district, I'm having so little angst to write about that the urge went back down... Like how you can talk yourself out of driving thru a taco bell... Although blogging is nowhere as bad for me as taco bell. It's actually good for me and I need to get back on to expressing myself this way.

So, this post kind of sucks but I'm going to go ahead and publish anyway, because I need to just start again. Blogging is awesome for its complete lack of editing necessary.

More soon, as I get used to being up on this bike again. I promise.

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